Unit Description: Maribel Sportsman’s Club was organized in 1951 where several local conservation minded sportsmen constructed the original club house with trees, cut from the property. Added a rifle range and trap fields. With development of the I-43 corridor the club underwent a new design with reconstruction of the trap fields, and building of storage building and indoor archery range.
Maribel Sportsman’s Club is a not for profit organization with about two hundred members, and regularly meets every second Monday of the month.
MSC is active in the outdoor community by providing hunter safety instruction classes, currently four classes a year, bow hunter safety instruction, hunter mentor opportunities, youth hunting opportunities, first-shots programs for women and youth, introductory shotgun and wing shooting, along with the many regular activities such as league trap, 3D archery, silhouette rifle, deer gun sight-in, and the Cottontail Classic fund raiser.
Meeting Day: Second Monday of Each Month
Location: 8824 Hwy 147, Maribel, WI 54227
Club Membership: Family – $40; Single – $30; Senior (62+) – $15; Juniors (<18, still in school) – $5. Key deposit $10
Website: http://www.maribelsportsmansclub.org/
Contact: Rodney Gove
Email: [email protected]
Club and Membership Information
[email protected]
Trap Shooting Range
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rifle Range
[email protected]
Maribel Sportsmen’s Club membership is now over 720 members as of the end of 2024.
Maribel Sportsmen’s Club Big Game Extravaganza Saturday, January 18 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Scoring will be available for any North American big game head or antlers. No cover charge to get in the doors. Questions can be directed to Carl Bonde at (920) 973-4151 or [email protected] or Charlie Philipps at (920) 755-4692 or [email protected]
Maribel Sportsmen’s Club 36 annual Cottontail Classic and 28 annual Super Hunt is Saturday, February 8th 2025. Register to hunt on Friday, February 7 from 5 to 9 p.m. Questions: Bob Schuh (920) 682-3106 or [email protected].
Maribel Sportsmen’s Club annual Sportsmen’s Rummage Sale is Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. No cover charge. Chicken Booyah will be available from 10 a.m. until gone. Questions: Shawn Seefeldt (920) 323-9412 or [email protected].